Programs & Services

Message Ministry utilizes Resources and Workshops to formulate unique Family Rehabiltation Plans to assist each family with their personalized goal plan. 


Family Rehabiltation

Rehabiltation starts with a needs assesment. Based on the family evaluation, a stategic goal plan is drafted. A Family Counseling session will determine the Final Treatment plan. A personalized coordinator works with the family hands on to critique and build skills and create new goals so our families stay engaged even after they have successfully completed our programs.

 Workshops & Programs

Workshops include: Finacial literacy, Parenting, Credit Building, Budgeting, Emergency Resources, Sports, Volunteers, Fundraising, Team building, Life Skills 3.0

Programs include: Housing Assistance, Family Rehabiltation, Medical & Mental Health Referrals, Childcare Referrals, Counseling, Transportation, Education Assistance.

 Message Ministry is committed to our Youth

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