Mission Statement
No Family left behind
Growing up my family and I faced many hardships that resulted in seperation. The trauma of being uprooted and segregated from my parents, and my siblings lead to a long road of heartache, anger and failure. As a young Adult I struggled with the baggage of my childhood trauma which led to a web of criminal history, domestic violence, homelessness, and so much more. 2019 my life changed and I had no choice but to face my Trauma and begin my journey to healing. Thankfully, I was able to find a way to utilize my own experience to change one of the root causes to childhood trauma. Thats healing as a family. Allowing ourselves to take the journey of healing with our loved ones is an incredible feeling. Indeed life changing and Message Ministry is here to assist the process of Family Rehabiltaion. Creating stronger foundations to the future of our Youth, our community and Our Great Nation.
We are proud to Partner with....
Local Organizations, Law Enforcement, Mental & Medical Health Providers, Counselors, Employers, AND ALL OUR COMMUNITY that makes Message Ministry a Reality for atRisk Families!
Leilani Foumai
Message Ministry
Porchea Wilson
Director of Boys and Girls Club
Director at Message Ministry