Message Ministry

Our Mission

Families are the foundation to every Nation. Our Organization is structred to Rehabilitate at risk Families from seperation due to homelessness, judicial  intervention, addiction and the many other traumas life carry into our homes, and lives of our children. Through our own experiance and many errors we are able to pull together and  reviatalize our youth, redetermine our future and obtain positive growth from the soil of our past. With Message Ministry we can regroup, rebuild, rehabilitate, and reestablish the value of family and the stregnth within keeping our families together. Our mission is to work as a "Alternative" to the silent wound that is damaging our Nation by helping families stay together, heal together and grow together! 

Family & Foundation

Having a healthy family setting is crucial for youth developement. Message Ministry provides a Alternative for State Adjudictation (Foster Care) & Assistance for Families atRisk of Seperation due to judical intevention(Incarceration), homelessness, addiction, and the many reasons that causes the Trauma of Families atRisk.